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We are a small satellite mission integrator, focused on delivering flight proven innovative and reliable nanosatellite solutions, platforms, components and services.

The company is very strong in the field of design, development and testing of fundamental small satellite components, such as an onboard computers, power systems units and solar panels.

  • 1465
    days and counting! Our longest stay in orbit so far
  • 6
    months from handshake
    to orbit
  • 1st
    Gamma-ray bursts detection nanosatellite
  • 6
    satellites (currently) orbiting Earth


The company was founded in 2014 as a spin-off company from the Slovak Organisation for Space Activities (SOSA), which had successfully designed, developed, launched and operated skCUBE.

Jakub Kapuš

Jakub Kapuš

Founder and CTO

Daniela Jović

Daniela Jović


Marcel Frajt

Marcel Frajt

Lead system engineer

Markéta Dobešová

Markéta Dobešová

Office Manager
+420 734 471 847