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The first Croatian satellite to be built and launched by Croatian volunteers and Spacemanic, bound to fly at the end of 2024 aboard Bandwagon-2mission.

CroCube is a pioneering project aimed at designing, testing, and launching Croatia's first nano-satellite. This 1U satelliteis equipped with two cameras and an amateur radio transmitter. Its mission is to capture images of the Earth from an altitude of 510 km, with the capability to photograph Croatia about six times daily for roughly 12 minutes during each pass. The project, initiated by Daniela Jović, COO of Spacemanic, in collaboration with the Society for Out-of-the-Box Education (EVO), was funded through a crowdfunding campaign on the Croatian platform Croinvest. CroCube represents a significant leap for Croatia into the space era, aiming to spur technological development and innovation within the country.

Size: 1U
Weight: 1100 g
Radio: 436.775 MHz (UHF), 145.975 MHz (VHF)
Orbit height: 510 km
Orbit type: Middle inclination (45°)
Launch date: TBA
Status: Ready for launch

official web

Spacemanic's role

Spacemanic plays a crucial role in the CroCube project by providing essential hardware, launch services, the necessary software, and operational expertise. The Czech-based company, in partnership with the Adriatic Aerospace Association (A3), has been supporting the project from its inception to its planned launch.