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A Czech nanosatellite on a mission to teach future rocket scientists and engineers based on Spacemanic’s platform.

At the end of May 2022, the satellite was launched by Space X’s Falcon 9 rocket to Low Earth Orbit.

Planetum - a cluster of Prague observatories and planetariums, decided to launch their own CubeSat in their effort to promote science and teach young generations about the importance of science and space technologies.

The communication with the satellite takes place via radio signals on amateur radio frequencies which allow radio amateurs to receive transmissions and data from the satellite.

Size: 1U
Weight: 1269g
Radio: TBD
Orbit height: 500- 550 km
Orbit type: Sun-synchronous
Launch date: May 25, 2022
Status: Inactive

official web

Spacemanic's role

Planetum1 will likely become the best space-oriented 1U satellite in the world, thanks to an active orientation system that allows precise maneuvering as well as pointing of the satellite camera with an accuracy better than 1.5 degrees. The satellite will also be equipped with a device to measure the Earth's magnetic field.

Spacemanic has been chosen to build Planetum-1 with almost complete portfolio of our own CubeSat components. Spacemanic is also in charge of design, integration, launch procurement, and launch campaign. Spacemanic will also help with operations, that will use proprietary ground station solution.