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A 1U “family” satellite mission with a camera payload for educational purposes launched in November 2023 aboard Transporter-9 mission.

Veronika, the first satellite with a personal story, is named after the daughter of Slovak entrepreneur Boris Procík and stands out with its uncommon pink color. In addition to being the first "family satellite," it opens doors for educational and outreach activities aimed at including schools in real space exploration. This project was supported by Deutsche Schule Bratislava and PLANETUM – the Observatory and Planetarium of Prague.

The satellite is equipped with a pair of Earth imaging cameras, two radios operating in the UHF and VHF bands, an antenna subsystem, a power system and solar panels, an onboard computer, a GNSS receiver, and a unique attitude determination and control system. In addition to its educational and outreach activities, the satellite will test several new technologies for future space missions.

Size: 1U
Weight: 1010 g
Radio: 436.680 MHz(UHF), 145.925 MHz (VHF)
Orbit height: 550 km
Orbit type: Sun-synchronous
Launch date: 11.11.2023
Status: Active


Spacemanic's role

Spacemanic was responsible for the design, construction, and subsequent operation of Veronika. The satellite was built using proven components with extensive flight heritage developed in-house by the company.