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Introducing BRNOsat



Introducing BRNOsat

Introducing new 6U CubeSat mission - BRNOsat - powered by Spacemanic's plug&play nanosatellite platform

All Aboard the Brno Satellite! Change your life! Fulfill a secret wish! Stop fearing big challenges! Embark on a fantastic adventure! Surprise everyone with your skill and intelligence!

Do you have an interesting idea for a device worthy of being launched into space? Great, but an idea alone is not enough. You will need to put in the hard work. If you do not give up and succeed, you will join the exclusive club of space designers and researchers.

No one promises it will be easy. Thanks to a city council-approved contribution from the city of Brno, the launch of the newly planned satellite will be free of charge, but the designers themselves must cover the costs of developing and manufacturing the experiment. However, if you succeed and get your device into orbit, the experience gained will undoubtedly influence the rest of your life.

The Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Spacemanic CZ, and the Czech Aerospace Research Centre invite all space enthusiasts to design an experiment to be included on the "BRNOsat" nanosatellite. It is set to launch in mid-2026. The ticket for it is already booked! The satellite will be about the size of a shoebox (in professional jargon, a 6U format). It will be launched into orbit at an altitude of about 500 kilometers above Earth by a Falcon 9 rocket. It will then be operational for several years.

Any idea – no matter how crazy – can be submitted by mid-September 2024 on the special website, where basic information and guidelines are also provided. Selection will follow, and then it is time to get to work. Additional challenges will appear on the same site over the next two years.

Anyone can apply. The limitations are only technical (the satellite is not inflatable), temporal (fixed launch date), and of course financial (nothing in the world is free). Experiment selection will take place in the fall of 2024 based on project attractiveness, technical feasibility, and budget. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your application, or there will not be time for consultations.