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Proper design of a satellite, taking the mission objective into account, is the key to a successful space mission. One of the most important services is planning and evaluating the client’s needs and designing the most suitable solution using know-how from several of our own projects. We are utilizing modern and effective software and simulation tools to deliver the best result possible.

Mission design includes:

  • Mission requirements analysis
  • Selecting right components
  • Satellite configuration
  • Appropriate technical solutions
  • Customization of technology
  • Budgeting
  • Orbit prediction and determination
  • Attitude determination
  • Ground Trace



An important part of mission design and engineering is the research and development process. Considering this, to accomplish the project goal it is crucial to have the best solutions available.


1 Embedded System Design

  • Emphasis is on computation elements and technologies
  • Preliminary conceptual design
  • Overall systems engineering
  • Analog and Digital Signal processing

2 HW, FW and SW development

  • 2D/3D CAD Drafting
  • Electrical component selection
  • ECAD-MCAD collaboration support
  • Schematic Capture
  • PCB design and layout (rigid, flex, rigid-flex)
  • Generating Netlist/BOM lists
  • Generating manufacturing files (Gerber, IPC-2581B, Excellon, etc.)
  • Software solutions (RTOS)



In cooperation with partner companies, Spacemanic provides preflight environmental tests. Testing facilities are located in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and other EU countries.

1 Environmental tests

  • Vibration tests
  • Thermo-vacuum test (baking test)
  • Centrifuge
  • Radiation tolerant tests
  • X-ray microscope
  • Antenna characteristics measurements

Spacemanic also offers all ground support equipment needed for the successful operation of the satellite.

2 Ground support equipment

  • Helmholtz coils with air bearing (for magnetometer calibration and attitude control using electromagnetic actuator test)
  • Centrifuge
  • Cubesat calibration platform
  • Ground station services
  • Cubesat launch container simulator


Launch campaign

in orbit

days and counting! Our longest stay in orbit so far

Do you want to get your project into space? With us, you can do it! Getting into orbit is now easier than ever. Development in engineering has enabled the launch of multiple satellites of different sizes to several orbits within one mission. Hence, space launches have become more affordable than before.

1 Administration

Getting into space is a difficult and complicated process that can take months. But with us, you don't have to worry about all the paperwork, tests, or transportation. We can do the following for you:

  • define the mission parameters
  • define launch schedule and launch window
  • necessary paperwork

2 Our target orbits

We can take your space project on several orbits. Each one differs by altitude. Selecting the orbit defines also the launch date, launch site, launch vehicle, and price.

  • SSO (Sun Synchronous orbit) - is a nearly polar orbit around Earth, in which the satellite passes over any given point of the planet's surface at the same local time.
  • LEO (Low Earth Orbit) - is an Earth-centered orbit with an altitude of 2,000 km or less in which satellite orbital period will be at 128 minutes or less
  • Polar Orbit - region in which satellite passes above Earth poles and has an inclination of (or very close to) 90 degrees to the body's equator.
  • ISS
  • GEO and Deep Space


Ground station services

The ground segment is an inseparable part of a satellite that receives, decodes, and stores received data.

We are running our own ground stations (GS) in Slovakia and operate several in Central Europe. The concept and precise gears of Slovak manufacturer allow for precise tracking of satellites with accuracy better than 0.1 degrees with a 100 kg parabolic antenna, which is necessary for keeping connections on frequencies higher than 1 GHz. This ground segment is available to use in mission support and other scientific and amateur radio projects. For signal reception of our satellite, we also use services of other receiving stations. An important part of the ground segment is decoding software which allows for a clear display of telemetric data from individual systems and was developed by us as well.

Global ground stations services

We secure services for the use of the global satellite ground station system.

The following questions can be answered then:

  • Where is my cubesat right now?
  • What observations happened today?
  • What was the signal received during a particular observation?
  • What is the actual data received (the result of signal interpretation)?


Stratospheric flights

Spacemanic provides stratospheric flights by using our own platform. More than 30 stratospheric flights and 50 scientific and technological experiments at the edge of space have been successfully done up to now. Those are well-suitable for R&D institutions, tech companies, and customers from advertising and marketing as well.

We provide full service for an affordable price, from the preparation of the probe, through its launch and tracking, to the delivery of the payload back to the customer.

Thanks to the flight into the stratosphere, not only amazing images of customer's products from 30-40 km altitude can be gotten but also scientific findings, as the stratosphere provides very interesting conditions for research.

Main features:

  • Own design strato-probe
  • ~40km altitude
  • Payload up to 5Kg
  • Redundant system (two radio bands + GSM module)
  • Complete service
    • Payload integration
    • Launch services
    • Experiment and data delivery


Cubesat as a service is an end-to-end service including:

  • mission design and analysis
  • subsystem manufacturing and testing
  • spacecraft integration
  • launch and deployment
  • on-orbit operations

This service brings a fully customized solution to the customer from mission design to on-orbit operation. Cubesat developed by us is tailor-made to the payload to be launched to space according to customer’s requirements. We provide manufacturing and integration of the Cubesat, testing, getting to orbit, operations, and data collection. All in one package!

Our main goal is to bring innovations in a matter of rapid satellite development to shrink the time from order to on-orbit delivery within several months. For this purpose, we have developed new, innovative, and modular cubesat components, easily customizable for customers' needs.

Our Space Services:

  • Mission design and analysis
  • Launch campaign management
  • Preparation of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for all activities
  • Subsystems inspection and interface verification
  • Subsystem electrical and functional tests
  • Subsystem preparation for final integration
  • Harness manufacturing and acceptance
  • Complete satellite integration
  • Environmental test campaign
  • On-orbit operations